Voya Growth and Income Portfolio - Class I

Class I: IIVGX
Class S: ISVGX
Class S2: IGISX
For more information call 1 (800) 334-3444
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Voya Growth and Income Portfolio
The Portfolio seeks to maximize total return through investments in a diversified portfolio of common stock and securities convertible into common stocks.

Daily Prices

as of September 13, 2024

Net Asset Value (NAV)$22.44
% Change+0.54
$ Change+0.12
YTD Return16.71%

Product Facts

Ticker SymbolIIVGX
Inception DateDecember 31, 1979
Dividends PaidSemi-Annually

About this Product

  • This strategy seeks to capture the benefits of both high-dividend yield and dividend growth by investing primarily in large-capitalization, dividend paying companies
  • Employs a valuation-based screening process that looks for above average dividend yields and the potential for growth of the dividend yield over several years

Investment Objective

The Portfolio seeks to maximize total return through investments in a diversified portfolio of common stock and securities convertible into common stocks. It is anticipated that capital appreciation and investment income will both be major factors in achieving total return.


Average Annual Total Returns %

As of August 31, 2024

As of June 30, 2024

Most Recent Month EndMost Recent Quarter EndMost Recent Month EndMost Recent Quarter End
Most Recent Month EndYTD1 YR3 YR5 YR10 YRExpense Ratios
Net Asset Value+16.19+25.42+9.65+15.80+11.930.69%0.67%
With Sales Charge+16.19+25.42+9.65+15.80+11.93
Net Asset Value+13.54+23.18+10.71+15.40+11.970.69%0.67%
With Sales Charge+13.54+23.18+10.71+15.40+11.97
S&P 500 Index+19.53+27.14+9.38+15.92+12.98
S&P 500 Index+15.29+24.56+10.01+15.05+12.86

Inception Date - Class I:December 31, 1979

Current Maximum Sales Charge: 0.00%

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance information shown. The investment return and principal value of an investment in the Portfolio will fluctuate, so that your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. See above "Average Annual Total Returns %" for performance information current to the most recent month-end.

Returns-Based Characteristics

As of August 31, 2024

3 Year5 Year10 Year

A measure of risk-adjusted performance; alpha reflects the difference between a portfolio's actual return and the return that could be expected give its risk as measured by beta.


The sensitivity of a portfolio's returns to changes in the return of the market as measured by the index or benchmark that represents the market. A portfolio with a beta of 1.0 behaves exactly like the index. A beta less than 1.0 suggests lower risk than the index, while a beta greater than 1.0 indicates a risk level higher than the index.

Information Ratio
Information Ratio:

The ratio of portfolio returns in excess of a market index to the variability of those excess returns; in effect, information ratio describes the value added by active management in relation to the risk taken to achieve those returns.


The proportion of the variation in a portfolio's returns that can be explained by the variability of the returns of an index. High R-squared (close to 1.0) is usually consistent with broad diversification.

Sharpe Ratio
Sharpe Ratio:

A risk-adjusted measure calculated using standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the better the portfolio's historical risk-adjusted performance.

Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation:

A measure of the degree to which an individual probability value varies from the distribution mean. The higher the number, the greater the risk.


Growth of a $10,000 Investment

For the period 09/30/2014 through 08/31/2024

Ending Value: $30,853.00

The performance quoted in the "Growth of a $10,000 Investment" chart represents past performance. Performance shown is without sales charges; had sales charges been deducted, performance would have been less. Ending value includes reinvestment of distributions.


Portfolio Statistics

As of August 31, 2024

Number of Holdings
Number of Holdings:

Number of Holdings in the investment.

P/E next 12 months

P/E (next 12 months) calculates the price of a stock divided by its earnings per share.

P/B trailing 12 months

Price to book ratio (trailing 12 month) calculates the ratio of a stock’s price to its book value.

Weighted Average Market Cap millions
Weighted Average Market Cap:

Weighted Average Market Capitalization is the value of a corporation as determined by the market price of its issued and outstanding common stock.

EPS Growth (3-5 Year Estimate)
EPS Growth (3-5 Year Estimate):

The portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. EPS growth serves as an indicator of a company's profitability.

Active Share
Active Share:

Active Share is a measure of the percentage of stock holdings in a manager's portfolio that differ from the benchmark index.

Price to Cash Flow
Price to Cash Flow:

The ratio of a stock’s price to its cash flow per share. The price-to-cash flow ratio is an indicator of a stock’s valuation


ROA is an indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROA gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings.


Top Holdings

% of Total Investments as of July 31, 2024

Apple Inc.8.24
Microsoft Corporation7.44
Amazon.com, Inc.4.72
Broadcom Inc.3.58
Meta Platforms Inc 3.26
Salesforce, Inc.2.55
Bank of America Corp2.43
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.2.29
Philip Morris International Inc.2.09
AT&T Inc.2.06

Portfolio Composition

as of July 31, 2024

EM Equity1.95
US Common Stocks97.60

Sector Weightings

% of Total Investments as of July 31, 2024


Top Country Weightings

% of Total Investments as of July 31, 2024

United States98.04
Taiwan, Province Of China1.96

Information provided is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Portfolio data is subject to daily change.


Payment Frequency: Semi-Annually


Date on which a stock begins trading without the benefit of the dividend. Typically, a stock’s price moves up by the dollar amount of the dividend as the ex-dividend date approaches, then falls by the amount of the dividend after that date.

Payable Date
Payable Date:

Date on which a declared stock dividend or a bond interest payment is scheduled to be paid.

Record Date
Record Date:

Date on which a shareholder must officially own shares in order to be entitled to a dividend. After the date of record, the stock is said to be ex-dividend.

Long-Term Capital Gain05/13/202405/14/202405/10/2024$0.248000
Income Dividend12/26/202312/27/202312/22/2023$0.227900
Long-Term Capital Gain12/26/202312/27/202312/22/2023$1.155100
Short-Term Capital Gain12/26/202312/27/202312/22/2023$0.656500
Totals: $2.287500

Investment Team


Principal Risks

All investing involves risks of fluctuating prices and the uncertainties of rates of return and yield inherent in investing. You could lose money on your investment and any of the following risks, among others, could affect investment performance. The following principal risks are presented in alphabetical order which does not imply order of importance or likelihood: Company; Convertible Securities; Credit; Currency; Derivative Instruments; Dividend; Environmental, Social, and Governance (Equity); Foreign (Non-U.S.) Investments; Growth Investing; Interest Rate; Investment Model; Liquidity; Market; Market Capitalization; Market Disruption and Geopolitical; Option Writing; Other Investment Companies; Real Estate Companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts; Securities Lending; Value Investing. Investors should consult the Portfolio’s Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information for a more detailed discussion of the Portfolio’s risks.

An investment in the Portfolio is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board or any other government agency.
