Senior Loan Talking Points – October 3, 2024

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Weekly Notables

The US loan market’s performance moved higher this week. For the seven-day period ended October 3, the Morningstar® LSTA® US Leveraged Loan Index (Index) returned 0.21%. The average Index bid price gained 5 bp, finishing the week at 96.73. 

September’s strong issuance carried over into the first few days of October, as total volume during that period was about $2.4 billion. Turning to the forward calendar, net of the anticipated $12.1 billion of repayments not associated with the forward pipeline, the amount of new supply projected to enter the market is about $5.3 billion, down from last week’s supply of $10.3 billion. 

Activity in the secondary market was muted this week. Looking at performance, lower-rated names continued to outperform higher-rated credits. For the week, Double-Bs, Single-Bs and CCCs returned 0.15%, 0.23% and 0.40%, respectively. 

There was a surge in CLO issuance, as CLO managers priced 15 new deals during the week. YTD volume is currently over $144 billion. According to Morningstar, loan retail funds recorded an inflow of $37 million for the week ended October 2. The funds experienced only three weekly inflows totaling $96 million over the last 10 weeks. 

There were no defaults in the Index during the week.

Average Bid
October 1, 2020 to October 3, 2024
Average Bid
Average 3-YR Call Secondary Spreads 1,2
September 1, 2020 to September 30, 2024
Average 3-YR Call Secondary Spreads 1,2
Lagging 12 Month Default Rate 3
October 1, 2020 to October 3, 2024
Lagging 12 Month Default Rate 3
Index Stats
Index Stats

Source: Pitchbook Data, Inc./LCD, Morningstar ® LSTA ® Leveraged Loan Index. Additional footnotes and disclosures on back page. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investors cannot invest directly in the Index. *The Index’s average nominal spread calculation includes the benefit of base rate floors (where applicable).

Monthly Recap: September 2024

Risk assets performed well in September, despite all the noise around economic data, monetary policy, and geopolitical escalations. The loan market was steady, as the Index returned 0.71% this month. However, loans underperformed the other risk asset classes and treasuries, as investment grade, high yield bonds and the US 10-year treasury posted gains of 1.76% (Morningstar US Corporate Bond Index), 1.63% (Morningstar US High-Yield Bond TR USD) and 1.37% (S&P 10-year Treasury Index), respectively. 

The average Index bid price lost 4 bp, closing out the month at 96.71. Looking at ratings, there was a notable dispersion among rating cohorts. Bid prices moved higher for CCCs, but softened for BBs and Bs. In terms of returns, Double-Bs, Single-Bs and CCCs returned 0.48%, 0.70% and 2.15%, respectively. On a YTD basis, returns have been relatively uniform across ratings segments, although lower-rated categories continued to outperform given the stable macro backdrop. 

On the issuance side, volume increased compared to the previous months, driven by a significant pick-up in supply of LBOs, M&A and dividend recaps entering the market. Total institutional volume was roughly $69.4 billion this month (the highest monthly volume in 2024). Acquisitions and dividend recapitalizations were the main drivers of issuance in September, as $48 billion of total issuance were not tied to refinancing activity (highest reading since January 2022). For context, the average volume excluding opportunistic deals was about $18 billion in the last 12 months. Turning to repricing and refinancing activity, this month’s volume was behind 1H24 pace, totaling $50.5 billion and $21.5 billion, respectively. Despite the slowdown, opportunistic deals are still running at a record pace on a YTD basis. 

On the other hand, demand for loans moderated in September. CLO issuance decreased this month to $11.9 Billion across 25 deals, but YTD pace remains record breaking. YTD volume currently stands at $142 billion, up 69% from last year's issuance of $84 billion. On the other hand, retail loan funds saw some outflows, as investors withdrew $1.1 billion from funds, but have experienced net inflows of $3.1 billion for the YTD period. 

There was one default (Wheel Pros) in the Index during the month. The trailing 12-month default rate by principal amount slightly increased to 0.80%. We expect only a gradual increase in defaults over the medium term. However, the market has experienced some distressed exchanges and LMEs which continue to be very topical across a handful of acute credit situations.

index stats

Source: Pitchbook Data, Inc./LCD, Morningstar ® LSTA ® Leveraged Loan Index. Additional footnotes and disclosures on back page. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investors cannot invest directly in the Index. *The Index’s average nominal spread calculation includes the benefit of base rate floors (where applicable).


Unless otherwise noted, the source for all data in this report is Pitchbook Data, Inc/LCD. Pitchbook Data/LCD does not make any representations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy or sufficiency of the data in this report. 

1. Assumes 3 Year Maturity. Three-year maturity assumption: (i) all loans pay off at par in 3 years, (ii) discount from par is amortized evenly over the 3 years as additional spread, and (iii) no other principal payments during the 3 years. Discounted spread is calculated based upon the current bid price, not on par. Please note that Index yield data is only available on a lagging basis, thus the data demonstrated is as of September 13, 2024. 

2. Excludes facilities that are currently in default. 

3. Issuer default rate is calculated as the number of defaults over the last twelve months divided by the number of issuers in the Index at the beginning of the twelve-month period. Principal default rate is calculated as the amount defaulted over the last twelve months divided by the amount outstanding at the beginning of the twelve-month period. 

General Risks for Floating Rate Senior Loans: Floating rate senior loans involve certain risks. Below investment grade assets carry a higher than normal risk that borrowers may default in the timely payment of principal and interest on their loans, which would likely cause the value of the investment to decrease. Changes in short-term market interest rates will directly affect the yield on investments in floating rate senior loans. If such rates fall, the investment’s yield will also fall. If interest rate spreads on loans decline in general, the yield on such loans will fall and the value of such loans may decrease. When short-term market interest rates rise, because of the lag between changes in such short-term rates and the resetting of the floating rates on senior loans, the impact of rising rates will be delayed to the extent of such lag. Because of the limited secondary market for floating rate senior loans, the ability to sell these loans in a timely fashion and/or at a favorable price may be limited. An increase or decrease in the demand for loans may adversely affect the loans. 

This commentary has been prepared by Voya Investment Management for informational purposes. Nothing contained herein should be construed as (i) an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any security or (ii) a recommendation as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling any security. Any opinions expressed herein reflect our judgment and are subject to change. Certain of the statements contained herein are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to, without limitation, (1) general economic conditions, (2) performance of financial markets, (3) changes in laws and regulations and (4) changes in the policies of governments and/or regulatory authorities. The opinions, views and information expressed in this commentary regarding holdings are subject to change without notice. The information provided regarding holdings is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Fund holdings are fluid and are subject to daily change based on market conditions and other factors. 

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
